Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Installing ImageMagick on Fedora 8 Linux VM

There was a relatively old version of software installed, so I preferred to install from source instead of 'yum install ImageMagick' who told me 'there is no new versions'. I should be verifying why my repositories say that, I know...

Anyway, it was a very easy task. Here are the simple instructions how to install from source:

Summarizing that, there are just a few simple commands (you should get root permissions or use 'sudo make install' instead of 'make install' below)

tar xvfz ImageMagick.tar.gz
cd ImageMagick-version
make install

'make' took some time, but 'make install' on my machine failed with:
'Can't locate ExtUtils/' error in Makefile.PL

I solved this by installing the missing package:

yum install perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker

and running 'make install' again. Running

convert logo: ml.gif

silently created an ImageMagick logo image that can bee viewed in 'ml.gif'


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